Saturday 14 March 2009

GLOSSARY OF TERMS "S" - An Indian Art.


sadanand tal - A tal of three beats somewhat similar to dadra.
sadhana - Great perseverance.
sagar tal - An obscure tal of 17 beats.
salvanth tal - An obscure tal of 26 matras, formerly played on pakhawaj.
sam - The first beat of a cycle.
sam grah - 1) The process of ending a composition on the sam. 2) An archaic term indicating that the music starts on sam. One of the das pran of tal.
sama yati - A type of yati characterized by uniform tempo from beginning to end.
samadarshan tal - An obscure tal of 24 beats.
samavadi - The second most important note of a rag.
samaveda - One of the Vedas (religious texts) of the Hindus.
samay - The appropriate time for performance of a rag.
samir tal - An obscure tal of seven beats.
sampurna jati - A rag of seven notes.
sampurna tihai - A tihai at the end of a kaida which contains the entire theme.
samyak -(Archaic) A style of timekeeping in marg sashabd kriya, characterized by the striking of the stationary right hand with the left hand.
sanchari - A tertiary theme found in dhrupad and other older vocal forms.
sangati - Accompaniment.
sangavikram tal - An obscure tal of 64 beats.
sangeet or - Music and dance.
sangeet ratnakar - An ancient text on music.
sanghalila tal - An obscure tal of 14 beats.
sankirna jati - A rhythm of 4 1/2, 9, 18, etc. beats.
sankirna tihai - A tihai at the end of a kaida which contains only a portion of the theme.
sannipat - (Archaic) A style of timekeeping in the marg sashabd kriya characterized by the movement of both hands.
santoor - See santur.
santur - An Indian hammered dulcimer.
saptak - The register or octave.
sar tal - An obscure tal ofeight beats.
sarangi - A fretless bowed instrument with numerous strings.
Saraswati - Hindu goddess of music, arts, and learning.
saraswati tal - An obscure tal of 18 beats.
saraswati vina - The common south Indian vina.
sargam - The gamut. (i.e,. Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, and Ni).
Saringda - A Folk version of sarangi found in Rajastan.
sarod - A stringed instrument similar to rabab.
saroj tal - An obscure tal of 12 beats.
sarpini - (Archaic) A style of silent timekeeping (deshi nishabd kriya).
sashabd kriya - Timekeeping that makes noise (e.g., clapping of hands).
satgun - Division of matra into seven divisions.
sath - A class of compositions found in the pakhawaj styles.
sath sangat - A style of playing where beat-for-beat the tabla follows the main artist.
savai - see sawai.
savari badi tal - See badi savari.
savari choti tal - Choti savari, see pancham savari.
savari pancham tal - See pancham savari.
savari tal - An obscure tal variously described as 14, 15, 16, 30, or 32 beats. See also badi savari or choti savari.
sawai - 11/4 time. (i.e., playing five strokes in four beats.) See kuadi.
shabad - A religious song of the Sikhs.
shadav - A rag composed six notes.
shadj - The first note of the Indian scale (Sa).
shadtal - An obscure tal of 12 beats.
shagird - A student or disciple.
shai - Vernacular of syahi. See syahi.
shakti - Energy, force, power.
shakti tal - An obscure tal of 10 beats.
shambhu tal - An obscure tal of 16 beats.
shankar tal - An obscure tal of 11 beats.
shankh - A conch shell horn.
shankh tal - An obscure tal of 10 or 13 beats.
shanmukh tal - An obscure tal of 10 beats.
sharabhakrida tal - An obscure tal of 19 beats.
sharabhalila tal - An obscure tal of 21 beats.
Sharangdev - Author of Sangeet Ratnakar.
sharajanma tal - An obscure tal of 15 beats.
shastriya sangeet - Classical music.
shavarni tal - An obscure tal of seven beats.
shehnai - An Indian oboe.
shesh tal - An obscure tal of 19 beats.
shikhir tal - An obscure tal of 17 beats.
shikhiravahan tal - An obscure tal of 12 beats.
shishya - A student, or disciple.
shisham - Indian rosewood (Dalbergia sisu).
shobhadham tal - An obscure tal of 22 beats.
shravannil tal - An obscure tal of 21 beats.
shruti tal - An obscure tal of 22 beats.
shuddha - (Lit. "pure") Basic, primary.
shuddha jati - One of the seven modes which may be derived by simple modulation.
shuddha swar - A natural note.
shultal - See sulfak tal.
sidha - The small wooden right hand drum.
singhnad tal - An obscure tal of 40 beats.
sir tal - An obscure tal of six beats.
sitar - A common long necked fretted instrument.
sitarkhani - A 16 beat tal which is the same as Punjabi theka.
sool tal - See sulfak tal.
soolfak tal - See sulfak tal.
srotagata yati - This yati is said to flow like a stream. It begins slow and gradually increases to a fast conclusion.
sthai - The primary theme of a classical vocal piece.
stuti - (Lit. "prayer, praise of God") See bol paran.
sudarshan tal - An obscure tal of 10 or 20 beats.
sul tal - See sulfak tal.
sulfak tal - An old pakhawaj tal of 10 beats.
sur - 1) A note(See swar.). 2) The pitch of the tabla. 3) The maidan.
surbahar - A bass sitar.
Surdas - A great saint who composed many bhajans.
surmandal - A small harp used to accompany vocalists.
sushir - A musical instrument characterized by blowing air (flute, shehnai, harmonium, etc.)
swar - A musical note.
swarlipi - Musical notation.
swarmalika - A style of singing where the vocalist sings the sargam of the song.
swarup - (Lit. "shape" or "form") See pakad.
syahi - The black application on the heads of the tabla.

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