Saturday 14 March 2009



baaj - See baj.
baaz - See baj.
badhi - The tasma.
bada - (Lit. "large"). The slow section of a kheyal.
badi savari tal - An obscure tal of 16 beats.
baj - A style of playing (i.e., dilli baj, ajrada baj, etc.).
bal - A palta or permutation of rela or kaida.
banarasi baj - A style of playing originating in Benares, often considered synonymous to purbi baj.
band - (Lit. "closed".) Non-resonant strokes such as Te, Ka, Kat, Tak, etc.
bandish - A composition or fixed musical piece.
bansi - Corruption of bansuri.
bansuri - A bamboo flute.
bant - Another name for kaida.
banti - Another name for kaida.
barabar lay - 1) Thah or single time. 2)Playing in chaturstra jati (i.e., 1/2 time, single time, double time, etc.).
basant tal - An obscure tal of nine or 18 beats.
basant shikhir tal - An obscure tal of 26 beats.
bastani - In the old days this was a sling in which tabla was placed. In this manner the tabla could be played while walking or standing.
bayan - The large metal left hand drum.
bedum tihai - A tihai in which the three sections are not separated by a pause.
Benares - A city in North India. A gharana from that city.
Bengal - A state in northeastern India.
bhdaua daadra tal - An obscure tal of six beats.
bhagavan tal - An obscure tal of 17 beats.
bhagn tal - An obscure tal of 23 beats.
bhai - Brother. See guru bhai.
bhairav tal - An obscure pakhawaj tal of 22 beats.
bhajan - A Hindu religious song.
bhakti - Devotion to god.
bhanumati tal - An obscure pakhawaj tal of 11 beats.
bharan - A filler. Something of little theoretical importance used to fill up a certain number of beats.
bharatnatyam - A classical dance form of South India.
bhargavi tal - An obscure tal of 22 beats.
bhari - (Lit. "full") 1) Clapped, see tali. 2) A section which is characterized by open strokes.
Bhatkhande - See Vishnu Narayan Bhatkhande.
bhatkhande paddhati - The theoretical and notational system of Bhatkhande.
bhrang tal - An obscure tal of 15 beats.
bhrangi tal - An obscure tal of 16 beats.
bhumika - An opening phrase for tabla solos used in the purbi styles.
biadi lay - Playing in misra jati (i.e., 13/4 times, 31/2 times, or seven times.) See also paune duggan.
bilahairi tal - An unusual tal of 9 1/4 beats.
bin - 1) A vina, specifically Rudra vina. 2) (Incorrectly) A snake charmers instrument.
biradari - (Lit. "brotherhood") The relationship that exists between musicians of the same gharana.
bol - The mnemonic syllabi of tabla.
bol paran - A type of composition whose syllabi are actually words.
Brahma - The supreme creator (God).
brahma tal - An obscure tal either of 14 or 28 beats.
brahmayog tal - An obscure tal of 15 or 18 beats.
brihaddeshi - An ancient musical text written by Matang.

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