Monday 23 February 2009



The training of a Kathakali actor begins at an early age when young boys leavetheir homes to dedicate the entire lives to Kathakali.The rigorous training necessary for a Kathakali actor begins at 4.00am with eye and facial exercises followed with body exercises and the learning of the Kathakali plays.

In the monsoon season the actors undergo a daily painful session, whichinvolves body exercises followed by a special oil massage, called Uzichil. This makes the actor supple and physically prepared for the characters that he will eventually have to portray on stage.

There is a saying that summaries the Kathakali acting technique….

"Where the hands move, there the eyes follow,Where the eyes move the mind follows.Where the mind goods, the mood follows where the mood goes, there the Rasa [flavour] arises."

DRUMMERS, SINGERS, MAKE UP ARTISTS AND COSTUMERS all undergo years of specialised training guided by a Guru – Ashan. Eventually they will perform as a complex team of experts each bringing their own specialist contribution to the performance.

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