Thursday 9 October 2008

Nispanda Bhava


  1. Sit comfortably reclining against a wall/ pillar.
  2. Spread out your legs, keep comfortable distance between legs.
  3. Let your back, shoulders and head relax on the back support such that there is no stiffness in the body yet you are not lying down.
  4. Let your hands rest comfortably on the thighs, palms facing upwards.
  5. Close your eyes and relax in this position.
  6. Keep your mind involved in the fading sounds around; without trying to analyse the sounds or without getting disturbed/ distracted.
  7. Relax in this position for 5-10 mins.

Benefits: Conscious relaxation rejuvenates and harmonises the body & mind. Provides physical and mental relaxation.

Limitations: Severe depression, low BP.

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