Sunday 19 October 2008

Vaayu Mudra

Vaayu Mudra

"Vaayu" means "Air". This mudra helps balance the air element in the body.


  1. Fold the index finger (fore finger) on the pad of thumb.
  2. Press the forefinger gently on the pad.
  3. Keep the other fingers aloof.


  • Helps in all nervous ailments.
  • Helpful in pains and aches.
  • Specific mudra for patients of Cerebral Palsy and Parkinson's ailment.

Varuna Mudra

Varuna Mudra

"Varuna" means "Water". It balances the water element in the body.


  1. Touch the fore part of the smallest finger to the fore part of thumb.


  • Regular practice of this mudra balances water element in body.
  • This mudra enhances physical beauty.
  • It decreases dryness in skin and body.
  • It is beneficial in controlling coughs, colds, asthma, paralysis, vibration, sinuses, and low blood pressure.

Shunya Mudra

Shunya Mudra

"Shunya" means "zero" or "sky". Sky is connected with the highest forces - with the "upper person" - with head.


  1. Lower the middle finger and place finger pad on the fleshy mound area of your thumb.
  2. Cover it with your thumb.
  3. Extend index, ring and little fingers.

This should be practiced for atleast for 45 minutes at a stretch for
optimum results.


  • This mudra improves impaired hearing.
  • It cures earaches in minutes.
  • It also helps in nausea, vertigo, and travel sickness.

Purna Gyana Mudra

Purna Gyana Mudra

This is the mudra of Lord Buddha. It clears the aura in the subtle astral body.


  1. Sit cross-legged.
  2. Keep both hands in Gyan Mudra Posture.
  3. Now keep right hand near chest region.
  4. Keep left hand near knee region.


  • This mudra improves memory to a great extent.
  • It soothes irritable temperaments.
  • The mudra bestows intelligence and wisdom.
  • It causes electrical changes in the electromagnetic activity of the brain leading to increased clarity and understanding.

Prithvi Mudra

Prithvi Mudra

"Prithvi" means "Earth". This mudra helps balance the earth element in the body.


  1. Place the tip of the ring finger (third finger) on top of the tip of the thumb.
  2. Extend all the other fingers.
  3. Keep them comfortably straight as possible.


  • Normalizes body equilibrium.
  • Helps remove physical weakness.
  • Increases tolerance and patience.
  • Helps all who practice spiritual meditation.