Saturday 10 January 2009

Palmistry and Yoga mudras

Palmistry and Yoga mudras

Astrology and palmistry have always belonged together. If the practice of the mudras stimulates your interest in palmistry, you can find a large selection of literature on the topic. The mudras can actually strengthen the hands and the individual fingers, even changing character traits in the process. In the little finger, we find creativity, a sense of beauty, and inner clarity; in the ring finger, there is sense of family, the ability to love, and a feeling of security; initiative, sobriety, and the love of order are found in the middle finger; intellectual faculty, individuality, and striving for power are in the index finger; the will, instinctiveness, and vitality in general are found in the thumb. Further classifications from astrology and palmistry can be found in the illustrations on page 38 and the one below.As you can see, you have "a great deal in your hands" with the mudras. You can take hold of your life with your own two hands and decide what is important to you.

Meridians and Deep Meridians

Meridians and Deep Meridians

Meridians are the energy paths that run through the body and control its individual functions (circulation, respiration, digestion, and individual organs). The beginning and ending points of the meridians are taken into particular consideration by the mudras. In acupuncture, only the superficial meridians are considered and the system of deep meridians is often even rejected as being speculative. Since the effect of many mudras only became clear to me once I learned about the deep meridians, I am also presenting this system here. Try encircling your fingers around your little finger more often. This is good for your heart! If you tend to be chilled easily, or susceptible to illness, then encircle or massage your ring finger.

Reflex Zones in our body

Reflex Zones in our body

The hand reflex zones correspond to the foot reflex zones, the massage treatment of which is generally known today. Both of the following illustrations show the reflex points or surfaces that are connected with the muscles and organs. Since some of the organs are only found on one side of the body (such as the heart and liver), this is reflected in the hands.

Since hands come in different sizes, you may not find the exact pressure point immediately. But with some practice, even the nonexpert can find the right spot.

When you have found the desired point, massage it with your thumb, using light pressure and slow, circular movements. One to 3 minutes are enough.