Sunday 19 October 2008

Prithvi Mudra

Prithvi Mudra

"Prithvi" means "Earth". This mudra helps balance the earth element in the body.


  1. Place the tip of the ring finger (third finger) on top of the tip of the thumb.
  2. Extend all the other fingers.
  3. Keep them comfortably straight as possible.


  • Normalizes body equilibrium.
  • Helps remove physical weakness.
  • Increases tolerance and patience.
  • Helps all who practice spiritual meditation.

Mritasanjeevani Mudra

Mritasanjeevani Mudra

"Mritasanjeevani" means "Air". This mudra helps balance the air element in the body.


  1. Fold the index finger (fore finger) on the pad of thumb.
  2. Press the forefinger gently on the pad.
  3. Touch the fore part of third (longest) finger and fore part of fourth (ring) finger with the fore part of thumb.


  • This mudra strengthens the heart.
  • It is very useful in all heart ailments.
  • It helps normalize blood pressure.
  • This mudra has also been found to increase self-confidence.

Linga Mudra

Linga Mudra

"Linga" or "Angustha" means "phallus". Thumb is a symbol of masculinity.


  1. Join both the palms.
  2. Interlace fingers of both hands.
  3. Extend one thumb upwards.
  4. Encircle extended thumb with the index finger and thumb of the other hand.


  • This mudra generates heat in the body and thus, while it "burns" away accumulated phlegm in the chest, it also makes the body more resilient to the cold.
  • It helps in increasing dynamism in a person.
  • Persons with bilious temperament should practice this mudra under the guidance of able and experienced person.
  • Chronic cold is easily cured.
  • It burns unwanted calories in the body, thus reducing obesity.