Sunday 19 October 2008

Yoga and Menopause

Yoga and Menopause

A woman’s life cycle is divided into three stages during which her identity changes on the basis of the physical transformations that take place in her reproductive system. These 3 identities of a woman are – “Maiden”, “Mother” and “Wise Woman”.

The ‘maiden stage’ starts with the childhood and it continues just before the onset of a woman’s menses. The next stage is the age of puberty when the woman is biologically in the ‘mother phase’ of her life, even if she doesn’t bear a child. This stage continues till midlife after which production of estrogen and progesterone by the ovaries slows down. Menstruation becomes irregular and eventually ends and the woman attains “menopause”. A year or so after menopause is the beginning of the third major stage of a woman's life i.e. “Wise Woman” stage.

Menopause usually occurs between the ages 40 to 60 associated with hormonal, physical and psychological changes. These changes can start as early as the age of 30 and can last until late 50s or early 60s. Menopause can also occur if the ovaries are completely removed or stopped functioning due to some illness or complications. However, it is important to mention here that menopause is not an illness; it is a natural biological process. But symptoms of hot flushes, sweats, depression, nervousness, loss of self esteem and sudden mood changes often accompany the diminishing levels of oestrogen in the body.

Yoga proves to be an effective measure in reducing the complications associated in with the menopausal years. Yoga exercises level out the physiological instability by relaxing and gently stretching every muscle in the body, promoting better blood circulation and oxygenation to all cells and tissues. This helps optimize the function of the endocrine glands and the organs of the female reproductive tract. Yoga exercises also improve the health and well-being of the digestive tract, nervous system and all other organ systems.

Latest studies show that women who practice yoga have a different, more positive experience. Yoga postures and breathing practices not only balance the endocrine system, they also serve to stabilize mood and adjust attitude, as well. Yoga postures, yoga breathing and meditation soothe the sympathetic nervous system. Regular practice alleviates anxiety and smoothes out the hormonal and glandular changes that take place during the menopausal stage of life.

The regular practice of all the categories of poses -- standing, sitting, lying down, backbends, forward bends, twists, and inverted (upside down) poses -- stimulates and activates all the glands, organs, tissues and cells of the body. It is a proven fact that a single yoga pose has multiple effects on all the systems of the body. Hence, the exercises which you do for alleviating the adverse effects of menopause, also contributes to your overall health and makes you fit enough to sustain the so-called “ages of wisdom”.

Yoga and Pregnancy

Yoga and Pregnancy

The happiest moment in a woman's life comes when she gives birth to a child. It is said that a woman becomes complete when she attains motherhood. But to attain motherhood, she has to go though pregnancy which is perhaps the most difficult journey in a woman's life. Pregnancy is a very delicate phase for the expectant mother as this is the time she goes through a lot of emotional ups and downs. The mind of a pregnant woman is clouded with apprehensions and fear, the moment their pregnancy is confirmed. It is a well- known fact that the growing baby in the womb is capable of feeling the effects of tension and stress in the mother. Therefore, it is of vital importance for the expectant mother to feel relaxed at all times.

It is during such times that yoga proves to be a blessing in disguise. Yoga assists in promoting a tranquil state of mind, which is very important for the health of the mother and the baby. Yoga exercises are very useful to the pregnant woman as they prepare her physically, mentally and emotionally for giving birth and becoming a mother. Besides, they alleviate some of the associated discomforts of pregnancy.

The prenatal yoga poses helps the expectant mother to get rid of the common backache problem which they tend to suffer throughout the period. Yoga exercises relieve edema (fluid retention) and cramping which can be quite common in the last months. Most importantly, yoga influences the position of the baby and turns it in advance if needed. Yoga exercises restore the uterus, abdomen and the pelvic floor, and relieve upper back tension and breast discomfort. They also strengthen the abdomen, which helps to stimulate bowel action and appetite.

Another advantage of practicing yoga is that it actually helps the expectant mother to get back to proper shape soon after child-birth. With practice one can actually go through pregnancy without putting on excessive weight; thereby avoiding post-pregnancy crash dieting and rigorous workouts.

To sum it all, we can say that yoga is a safe, simple and a natural method of preparing the pregnant woman for motherhood and the baby for childbirth.

Ten Good Reasons to Practice Yoga

Ten Good Reasons to Practice Yoga

  1. Yoga is not just for athletes, popstars and supermodels! Yoga is for everyone: young or old, male or female, healthy or sick. Yoga can always be adapted to your individual needs, whatever your circumstances.
  2. Even if you are facing many challenges in life, it is easy to start doing yoga and you will experience instant benefits, such as stress-relief. Furthermore, once you begin to practice regularly, yoga will help you to live your life with renewed positivity and enthusiasm.
  3. Yoga is safe. Where other forms of exercise might put a strain on your heart, muscles and joints, yoga, practiced properly (with awareness to your physical limitations), is a completely harmless form of exercise.
  4. Yoga needs no special equipment. While there are a few props that might make your practice more comfortable, the only thing you need in order to do yoga is you.
  5. Yoga both tones the respiratory system and helps you to breathe more fully, deeply and easily (thus increasing your oxygen intake), which in turn, will improve your physical and mental well-being.
  6. Yoga improves the efficiency of your body systems, aiding digestion, the assimilation of nutrients and the elimination of toxins.
  7. Yoga improves the quality of your sleep so that, when you wake up, you feel refreshed and full of vitality.
  8. Yoga gives energy and helps you to channel your energy effectively so that you don't waste it on tension, stress and negativity.
  9. Through practicing yoga techniques, you experience a genuine sense of outward tranquility, which eventually helps you achieve a deep state of inner peace, too.
  10. Yoga is FUN!

Yoga at Office

Yoga at Office

Working in an office or at a computer for prolonged periods of time can put strain on the neck, shoulder and back muscles which in turn can lead to tension and stiffness. This tension can cause headaches, as well as back, neck and shoulder pain. If left unattended, it could also impact your ability to function effectively at work and your overall quality of life. Simple techniques such as Office Yoga may help alleviate the pain and other symptoms by releasing tension and increasing muscle strength and flexibility.

Work is a necessity in our lives. It is better to make the best of the responsibility imposed upon us. Most of us are locked up for hours inside the office or are hooked to computers in our cubicles. Hence, physical ailments, stiffness of various muscles in the body and mental fatigue gradually make their existence, transforming our lives into a complete hell.

Doctors and psychologists have opined together that working out simple yoga postures in the office is not only effective in terms of physical exercises but also enlivens the spirit and mind of the tired employee. Simple techniques may help alleviate the pain and other symptoms by releasing tension and increasing muscle strength and flexibility. They can be performed right on the office chair, any time, any day. Take a few minutes for yourself and incorporate some Yoga into your daily routine. Here are some simple Yoga techniques for:

Right Posture





Right Posture

Neutral sitting or standing should most essentially be practiced. Often we fail to place ourselves in the correct posture whether standing or sitting and soon the problem begins. However, this simple exercise will help you to keep the position of your spine in order.

Place your feet hip-distance apart and bend forward.

Then look down at your feet. Your feet should be parallel (||).

If you are sitting, keep check that your hips and your knees are in right angles.

Sit straight and tall at the edge of your chair.

The Warrior Pose is recommended for relaxation of the upper body. Here are the steps:

Raise your arms to the sides with fingers pointed out.

Take a big step with the left foot turned out and knees bent.

Your right leg should be straight and planted on the ground.

Keep breathing.

Keep your upper body in rest.

After few minutes, switch sides. Now, extend your right leg.

Breathing Techniques To De-stress:

Are you yawning heavily at the start of the day or in the post lunch session?

Your stress has increased so profusely that you are falling asleep in office?

Try this breathing technique, it will surely help you to release your stress and you will be fresh to start your work again.

Put your right thumb on your right nostril.

Deeply breathe in and out the air using your left nostril.

Similarly press your left nostril with your right index finger.

Inhale and exhale as much as air you can.

Practice this for 1 minute, if you have time, for it to be effective.

Neck Training:

While sitting on a chair or in front of the computer, your neck gets affected the most with terrible aching and severe cases, at times leading to spondylitis. Here is a simple way which can relieve you from the stress caused and prevent you from any kind of aching.

Keep your hands on your waist and slowly lower your chin so that your neck is relaxed.

Your entire body should be straight while you are doing this exercise.

Hold 2/3 breath with you neck lowered.

Gradually lift up your neck to its neutral position.

Then lower you right ear to your right shoulder and repeat the same for the left side.

Finally rotate your entire neck from its right to the central neutral position. Keep 2-3 breaths for areas where you need a relaxation.

Repeat the same for the left side.

For Your Shoulders:

Shoulder problems often crop up when you sit in the same position for a long period of time. Here is an easy method to keep away your shoulder pains.

Stretch your hands on both sides up to your ears, while you inhale.

Drop them down to your sides in their normal position, while you exhale.

The process should be gradual and raising/dropping of hands should follow your breathing.

Eye Exercise

Your eyes are mirrors to your soul and the most divine gift. Therefore it becomes your duty to take utmost care of them. Overusing your eyes, improper light during work and stress can harm your eyes. Here are some simple ways to prevent any kind of damage to this precious gift.

Look forward and straight.

Gradually look up towards the ceiling keeping your head & neck in the neutral position and by sucking in the air.

Slowly drop your sight down on the floor while taking out the air and maintaining the position of the neck and head.

Practice this at least 5 times.

Then blink your eyes several times and close them to relax.

Do the same side wise.

Then gradually rotate your eyes in a clockwise manner.